Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day Twenty Three: Piranhas and Shamans

Today was an early early start. We woke up at 4am as we were heading into the jungle to a lake to check out the wildlife at dawn. This was the best time to see them. Most of the group were whinging again about the early start, i cant believe some people. Come all this way to sleep in and sit at a bar drinking. Anyway, on the water we saw many cool native birds such as macaws, parakeets and vultures. We stopped for a bit and did some fishing for PIRANHAS! Me and sim didn't catch any but a few others did. Wow - was really cool to see the teeth up close. These were only baby ones too - 10cm long, still had a set of fangs tho.

On the way back we saw some large Otters as well as Camans, kinda Crocodile like but underwhelming if you've already seen crocs, not very big or as intense looking. The otters were cool tho. Something different - was a pretty cool thing to do.

We headed back to the lodge for more food and juice, were eating so much. Whoever said you lose weight in Peru was lying.

The next part of the day was taken up by more hiking, more bird watching and more eating. The coolest part was when we saw the monkeys. They were right above us, swinging and climbing around in the trees. They came right up near the lodge too- this place is do cool. Really feel like your living in jungle.

Lunch was again awesome - rice, beef, vegies and a local Peruvian classic made of sweet potato, vegies and tuna in layers. Yummy!

That afternoon we went to visit a shaman where we did everything our travel doctor advised not too. We ate these leaves that are a natural anesthetic, our tongues were numb for hours. We tried a herbal leaf mix that was the red bull of the jungle. W also tried a concoction called parra parra, which literally translates to get up get up. It's a jungle Viagra. Was a fun thing to do however, learning all about the different medicines that cone from the jungle plants. One of them is bring used to cure Parkinsons.

We headed back to the lodge for a rest - siesta time!

After dinner, which was again good, the highlight bring the carrot soup, we headed out into the jungle for a night walk. We were looking for frogs and other animals. This was a fun experience. We saw many interesting insects, bugs and spiders as well as a few frogs luckily. Was fun though just exploring the jungle. Its wuite exciting- I felt like that little kid in UP.

After such a long and eventful day we hit the sack - with surrounding mosquito net to boot.

- Blog from iMat

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