Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day Seventeen: Snow in the White City

We ventured into middle of town for a nice bacon and eggs brekkie at a rather upmarket hotel restaurant. Again, they had the potatoes on the side. Crazy!

We then strolled over to Millenium park at the Lakes edge. Plenty to see here. Gehrys bandshell and bridge, Renzo Piano's building, and Anish Kapoors Cloudgate. This was cool! Loved all the cool reflections of the city you got from it.

We then stumbled into the old public library now an info and cultural centre. what a cool place. People were reading, playing music, drawing and helping older and less privileged. Was a real community centre vibe - amazing!

We then ventured out via the metra trains- different to the 'el' - to the Museum of Science and industry. They had a special exhibit on at the time on Jim Henson, the muppets and sesame street. We spent at least an hour there. Was really interesting. He was such a talented an amazing guy.
Other cool exhibits were the human body and weather storm exhibits - kinda like questicon only more bigger and Americanned. The coolest exhibit was the gigantic great hall filled with model railway and city models. HUGE! I loved it- ive always like model trains and scenes. This thing was epic - they had modelled the whole of Chicago downtown and the elevated loop in one room then in another it went to the outer parts the timber mills and shipping yard trains before crossing the mountains and entering seattle,again the city modeled. And all the trains worked too. Spectacular!

When we walked out of the museum that afternoon it had started snowing. It was quite pleasant actually, not as cold either.

We decided to go up to the John Hancock building for a wider view of the city. Was very pretty with all the city lights. Quite something. The Guided audio headphone tour led by David Schwimmer was much better than New Yorks Kevin Bacon effort o must say. Chicago from the air is quite spectacular - you really can see the urban design plans of the guys who rebuilt it after the great fire.

For dinner we headed out for something different - Indian. Was ok - but very filling! Enough said I think.

I'm liking Chicago so far, although it's quite difficult to get around, seems like a walkable city at times but many things are not so close, and with the weather not so pleasant at times outside - makes things difficult. But... Tomorrows another day!

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