Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day Forty Six: intrepid-ation

Well today was another pretty easy day. Very hot again. Jumped on the metro train again and headed into town. Really loving the subway system here. Sydney could learn a lot.

We dropped off some washing (confusing to say the least, you run the risk of not knowing whether you'll get it back as the communication is so difficult - fun tho - all part of traveling. I just laugh and say Si)

We then wandered the streets of Paris and London, the streets named Paris and London that is. Was a nice part of the city that linked to the University.

We then headed back to familiar territory, visiting La Moneda. Underneath the plaza of the palace their is a cultural museum which we wandered into. Quite a cool space.

We then strolled back up through the mall, it was much quieter on Saturday. We had a coffee at a coffee bar where the all female baristas/waitresses wear skimpy outfits. Very funny idea. We later found out they were referred to as "coffee with legs".
Let me tell you there wasn't any flat whites to be seen if ya catch my drift.

Ive always liked the coffee bar idea, I reckon they would thrive in Sydney. Different to a cafe, more like a bar in a pub but with coffee, people actually sitting at the bar where the barista is bartender. Kinda like Rome.

We then wandered back down through the markets at Mercado before venturing out to barrio Brasil. It was ok here, you could see the potential of this place at night. Had an interesting lunch too- sizzle steak with chips, fried egg and onions- odd. Simi had avocado on bread. They love avocado here- it's on everything - even Big Macs apparently come standard with avo.

We headed back to the hotel in the afternoon - the heat was stifling. We ventured quickly back into town to collect our washing. As we walked to collect it i was expecting to see men wearing my shirts and kids running around with sims bras and undies on their heads, so much was the miscommunication of this morning. Thankfully all was good - washing was fine! I must say, doing our washing has proved the most challenging thing in terms of the language barrier, funny things happen tho.

That night we joined up with the people from the Intrepid tour we were going to do for the next 2 weeks. We started to get really excited again, the people in the group were lovely and the activities that laid ahead sounded amazing!

We headed out to dinner in Bella Vista as a group. Was really cool getting to know everyone - we quickly became friends - and by the end of the night it was like we were best mates with everyone.

We finally got into the rhythm of the Chilean dining experience and ate at 9pm. Dinner was good, Italian pastas and seafood. Sims getting very good at ordering in Spanish too, I however struggle a bit, I use my index a lot,(my finger that is to point at things).

We had some really good wine with dinner too - Chilean Carmenere - really great. One of the guys on the tour knows a lot about wine - gonna make for a fun trip me thinks.

After dinner we headed to a bar, well pub really, an Irish one at that. I have come to the conclusion that there must be an Irish pub in every city in the world. I mean even the Galapagos had one - nuts!

By the time we got home it was 2am - but what an enjoyable evening. Looking forward to our tour now! Wooh!p

- Blog from iMat

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