Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day Fifty Three: Don't Laugh at me Argentina...the truth is I cannot Tango!

We woke up late today, well at least I did. Simi made the most of the morning and headed for Recoletta Cemetery, the place where Eva Peron is buried. Apparently it was quite a spectacular place, many amazing crypts and monuments.

After waking up around 11ish I took the opportunity to take it easy, strolling the streets for a coffee and an Internet cafe.

That afternoon we walked the citys monumental buildings. The city is so interesting. It really is like a little Paris in Sth America. It's also very much like Sydney in many ways, the character of the streets is very similar to the eastern suburbs.

We walked to the Plaza de Mayo, where the main church is as well as the former presidential palace. We visited inside the palace known as the Pink House, quite a stunning place. The cool part was stepping out onto the balcony where Madonna sang Don't cry for me Argentina, as well as the place where Eva Peron gave her speech. (sic)

It's amazing visiting old plazas and buildings where historical events happened, the history somehow comes through when you're there - weird!

After checking out a few streets and buildings, we headed to the oldest cafe in Argentina, Tortoni. Amazing place, so old world in character, furnishings and waiters might I add. The guy who served us was pushing 80 and he didn't even use a pen and pad to write the orders down - at first I was worried at what I would get, but the old guys memory is sharp as a tac. I have to say the coffee tho wasn't that great, but the sandwich was brilliant.

We wandered back to our hotel and collected our washing along the way. We had a rest for a few hours, which was needed as tonight we would dance the TANGO.

We caught a cab out to this dance club where we were greeted by a man who looked like Borat with the campness of Freddie Mercury. We began out lesson with some basic steps. Sim couldn't stop laughing. I on the other hand nailed it. Was a lot of fun, and the dancing wasn't too bad either.

After the dancing and us receiving our certificate to say we can do basic tango, we went into the dining room for dinner and a live tango show. The dinner was so so, but the show was great. The dancers performed all the different eras of the tango, taking you from the 1890s through to the modern interpretations.

That evening we ventured out for a drink at this cool bar in the Centro Federal area. Was an interesting place, an old mansion with a rear courtyard converted into a hip bar. Sim had a really interesting cocktail too, ground thick basil with Bacardi.

We got to bed late (again) around 2:30ish. The late nights are starting to take their toll now.

- Blog from iMat

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