Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day Seventy Eight: Universal Soldiers

So today offered a little bit more excitement - we were off to Universal Studios fir the day. After driving across the hills fir an hour to get to Studio City, we were finally at the gates and on the red carpet.

Our first stop was the Studio Tour if the front and backlots. Was actually a really good tour, saw lots of cool sets and famous scenes. Pretty much the whole movie Psycho was shot here, all three or four locations. It's quite incredible how simple the movie business is in a way. It's really just a painted wall facade, but in the movies it comes to life.

The coolest part of this 44min tour though was the King Kong 4D experience, where you drive into a set with huge screens, put your 3d glasses on and suddenly you're there. Pretty Amazing! Peter Jackson directed a short 5minute scene specifically for it, and it's unreal how you feel apart of it. At one stage you even get sprayed with water from his nose. Incredible!

The other cool rides in the park were The Mummy, an indoor rollercoaster that was extremely dark; the simpsons ride, which is really just a car on a mechanical arm that moves and spins in front of a huge screen that makes it feel like your riding through the cartoon; and the Jurassic park ride, which was actually pretty boring apart from the T-Rex and splash at the end.

The park itself was fun though. It had a cool side show games alley, as well as some cool shows like Waterworld and The Blues Brothers. Waterworld was quite the extravaganza. Water going everywhere. In fact nearly every attraction seems to have water coming at you on some way.

Before we knew it the day was coming to an end, we did the Shrek 4D experience and got an ice cream before returning to the real world - or aka in LA - gridlock!

That evening we headed down to Santa Monica and the pier to check out the night scene by the beach. The pier is pretty cool at night - with a carnival like atmosphere of rollercoasters, ferris wheels, games and restaurants. Was really cool too seeing the end of the Route 66 sign - kinda made me realize how far we've come!

We ate at a Mexican place on the pier however it wasn't that great unfortunately - we've got pretty high expectations after Phoenix, the Mexican food there was amazing!

So yeah, today was exciting and tomorrow hopes to be too - off to Disneyland!

- Blog from iMat

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