Sunday, March 13, 2011

Photos from Last Day in LA

DAY 80

Venice Beach House by Gehry
The famous Gery House - Santa Monica
Kentucky Fried Awesome!
Frank Lloyd Wrights Hollyhock House
Simi loving the Santa Monica Pier Rollercaoster
No blog post is completely without a picture of me eating!
Venice Beach shananigans
Sunsets on LA, and our NA/SA Trip

Thanks for taking the time to read along - hope you've had fun.
We certainly have! See ya soon.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day Eighty: Sun sets on Californication

"The sun may rise in the east but at least it settles in a final location."

Well the day has finally come - our final day on tour. We slept in for a bit before having brekkie. We got our last taste of American Bagels with Cream cheese which we've come to love before checking out!

The morning was a bit of a Gehry finding mission. We drove around the streets if Venice and Santa Monica looking for a few of his buildings. We managed to spot them as well as a few other cool things. This is a nice part of LA for me. Has a bit of character.

Oh, I forgot to mention that we were staying just around the corner from Venice High School - aka - Rydell High from 'Grease'... Chang Chang, Chang it-ty Chang shoo-bop!

We then drove out along the Pacific Hwy to Malibu in search of sun, sand and Lautner buildings. We found only two of them. There was an air of anxiety around the place today too- everyone was on edge about Tsunami warnings from the Japanese disaster. From what we saw though, there was little impact here if any!

Malibu was actually quite bland and boring, in fact sims highlight was getting a paper grocery bag for the things she bought at the supermarket - that's how uneventful Malibu was. Don't know why so many celebrities wanna live here!!!

It was now 1ish and we headed back into the lions den that is Los Angeles traffic. It took us a little over an hour to get back into Hollywood where we finally got a chance to visit Frank Lloyd Wrights early 1920's Hollyhock House. This was like the 6th or 7th Wright building we had visited on this trip, yet it was different again. Much more classical and heavier than other works, but still had that modern, timeless Wrightian quality!

The outside was pretty rundown and in need of repair as was patts of the inside, but the internal spaces of this place were incredible. The living room was stunning, so extravagant and intricately detailed. Was really cool, not my favorite of his, but cool!

It was now 4ish and so we ventured back across town to Santa Monica Pier to watch the sun go down over Venice Beach. We visited the Pacific Park fair again, for one last rollercoaster ride. (you can never get enough rollercoaster fun).

The beach here is a hive of activity, there is the famous beach gymnasium equipment which started the craze. People doing kickboxing, chin ups, as well as gymnast rings. There is people on roller blades and bikes, hot dig stands, beach volleyballers, playgrounds and of course the pier; with all it's attractions.

Watching the sun set behind the rollercoaster and large ferris wheel was beautiful - made for a great shot. And just as the sun set on the fun park, so it did on the fun of our trip.

We got in the Dodge for the last time and headed for LAX. I must say it's sad to be ending our journey, but all good things must come to an end. Were looking forward to seeing all our loved ones soon!

So long LA and America!

Cheers guys!

- Blog from iMat

Day Seventy Nine: The Magical World of Disney

Today we woke early, for Simone it was like Xmas morning. She was so excited that we were going to Disneyland. After settling her down, we got in the Dodge and headed for Anaheim. Sim was adamant we get there when the gates open, so we were there at 8:30am. She did have a panic attack that we were at the wrong theme park as all the signs were saying Disney Californian Adventure Park, but sure enough Disneyland was just next door.

The gates opened and the excitement began. I must say it is really cool walking in- it's like being a little kid again. You run to your favorite rides and there is a sense of urgency and excitement about things. We ran to Space Mountain. WOW! What a cool ride. It's an indoor rollercoaster that is blacked out with starlights inside and crazy space music. Really is cool.

We then headed for the Matterhorn rollercoaster. This is my kinda ride - a rickety bumpy rollercoaster- the kind where ya think ya gonna fall off. Loved it.

We went back for another crack at Space Mountain but From then on the rides were much slower paced.

The Indiana Jones ride was ok, Pirates of the Carribbean was lame and Splash Mountain- well it was closed.

Adventureland was cool with the Jungle River Safari and Frontierland was interesting too. The rollercoaster there was actually pretty cool. Like an old train winding through the mountain.

We then headed up into Toontown, where there's all the kids rides and Disney characters and there houses were. It now felt like Disneyland. We met Mickey and Pluto and ventured into their homes. Was really cool, architecturally speaking that is. Seriously the level of detail and design into this place is incredible (I wonder if I can claim the entry as a tax deduction) it's that good.

We waited in line for the Roger Rabbit ride and went on the little kiddies rollercoaster, which were fun. This place really is magical - you do feel like you're in another world.

After chowing down on some fairy floss we headed to Fantasyland where we caught a gondola into the It's a small world ride. The outside of this place is like an intricate folder papercard/origami house. Beautiful. We checked out storybook land, then Alice in wonderlands ride, before getting on the teacups. Wow. The teacups are our favorite - really fun and s quintessential Disneyland experience.

The older Walt Disney designed parts of the park really are amazing. They say this is a place where dreams come true...but when you're here and you see the joy, happiness and magic of the place, you can't help but think that it is Walt Disneys vision and dreams that have come true. Really is a special place.

Sim and I loved the older rides with the highly detailed sets and props that moved, sung and shone. Was really quite old and raw yet somehow timeless at the same time.
Compared to all the newer rides which rely on screens, light projections and 3D technology, there was something really warming and special about this part.

It was now dusk and the lights of Disneyland lit up. Night time here is spectacular. We rode the teacups again as well as Space Mountain before it was time to leave.

We said our goodbyes to the famous castle as well as Walt, Mickey and all his friends and headed for the carpark - aka reality.

What a huge day - 12 hours of excitement and rushing around searching for the next hit of fun. I'm exhausted.

On the way home we stopped in for an In-N-Out Burger. We got the animal style double double - - oh man it's good!!!

Anyway - one more sleep left on this adventure, and it's gonna be a good one. So tired!!!

- Blog from iMat

Day Seventy Eight: Universal Soldiers

So today offered a little bit more excitement - we were off to Universal Studios fir the day. After driving across the hills fir an hour to get to Studio City, we were finally at the gates and on the red carpet.

Our first stop was the Studio Tour if the front and backlots. Was actually a really good tour, saw lots of cool sets and famous scenes. Pretty much the whole movie Psycho was shot here, all three or four locations. It's quite incredible how simple the movie business is in a way. It's really just a painted wall facade, but in the movies it comes to life.

The coolest part of this 44min tour though was the King Kong 4D experience, where you drive into a set with huge screens, put your 3d glasses on and suddenly you're there. Pretty Amazing! Peter Jackson directed a short 5minute scene specifically for it, and it's unreal how you feel apart of it. At one stage you even get sprayed with water from his nose. Incredible!

The other cool rides in the park were The Mummy, an indoor rollercoaster that was extremely dark; the simpsons ride, which is really just a car on a mechanical arm that moves and spins in front of a huge screen that makes it feel like your riding through the cartoon; and the Jurassic park ride, which was actually pretty boring apart from the T-Rex and splash at the end.

The park itself was fun though. It had a cool side show games alley, as well as some cool shows like Waterworld and The Blues Brothers. Waterworld was quite the extravaganza. Water going everywhere. In fact nearly every attraction seems to have water coming at you on some way.

Before we knew it the day was coming to an end, we did the Shrek 4D experience and got an ice cream before returning to the real world - or aka in LA - gridlock!

That evening we headed down to Santa Monica and the pier to check out the night scene by the beach. The pier is pretty cool at night - with a carnival like atmosphere of rollercoasters, ferris wheels, games and restaurants. Was really cool too seeing the end of the Route 66 sign - kinda made me realize how far we've come!

We ate at a Mexican place on the pier however it wasn't that great unfortunately - we've got pretty high expectations after Phoenix, the Mexican food there was amazing!

So yeah, today was exciting and tomorrow hopes to be too - off to Disneyland!

- Blog from iMat

Photos from Los Angeles so far...

DAY 77

who's that star?
views are pretty good in LA
Simi reliving her childhood "Pretty Woman" fantasies (minus the soliciting)
Simi on Rodeo Drive
FLW's Hollyhock House - Closed!

DAY 78

The Krustyland Simpsopns Ride - Awesome!
Simi scared of getting water bombed at the Waterworld Show -
i guess she's smart - that movie did Bomb!
Night out on Santa Monica Wharf

DAY 79

Its a small world after all...
Who is that Loony Toon
Big Kids at heart
All good Dental care requires a bit of "floss" from time to time
The teacups - still an awesome experience even in your mid 20's
night falls on Disneyland - no letting up though!

Thanks Walt and Mickey - really was magic!