Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Evening from Manhatten

Well we've made it.

The drive into Manhatten is amazing, the city skyline plays out in front of you, with the Empire State Bldg shining the brightest. The scale is crazy!

We're in our apartment now on West 37th St. It's a quaint, typical New York walk up, complete with abandoned fireplace; an external fire stair catwalk and air conditioners hanging out each window, rendering them unopenable.

All in all it's fantastic - a few blocks from Empire State Bldg, which is our first stop tomorrow!

Anyway - very tired now- it's been a long 40 hours and it's still Monday the 20th.

Let the adventure begin!

- Blog from iMat

Location:New York


  1. Hi Mat & Sim, glad to here you are both there and safe. 37th street. I stayed on 42nd when I was there, I was close to UN and Central Park. Sounds great. Take time to sleep and rest. You'll need it after 40 hrs. Love Dad

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ross said...

    Hey Maty, Hey Simone, good to hear you made it safe and sound. Enjoy NY, fantastic city! However, your photos so far are crap. whats the go there?! Anyways, when you go to the financial district, grab the bull by the horns and say "i accept life!!!!" or rub its balls and pray for money. See ya soon big boy. LOVE, Ross the Master Bather.

  4. WTF just happened during posting of comment?! This blog thingy is confusing. Lets all do snail mail!

  5. Glad that you arrived safely. So much to see and so much to do. Take care, enjoy and I look forward to reading your adventures.
    Love Mum xx

  6. Great to hear you arrived safely mate - but can you stop spelling manhattan... manhatten - you are wrong
